Nod cynllun newydd Woodbrooke – Woodbrooke Places – yw ceisio dod â’r profiad o fynychu cyrsiau wyneb yn wyneb yn agosach at Gyfeillion ledled Cymru a gweddill Prydain. Fel rhan o’r cynllun arloesol yma, cynhelir 5 cwrs undydd hynod o ddifyr yma yng Nghymru eleni – 2 yn Nhŷ Cwrdd Wrecsam a 3 yn Nhŷ Cwrdd Abertawe. Mae’r holl wybodaeth am y sesiynau, ynghŷd a sut i gofrestru, i’w canfod isod.


Philosophy and Prayer: pathways to God? on 3 June

Is intellect incompatible with faith? During this day, we will challenge this assumption, using both logic and prayer to bring our whole selves into a spiritual space.

There is more information at

Quaker Roots in Advices and Queries on 25 November

Advices and queries have been carefully drafted over the years to reflect Quaker insights, concerns and practices. The current edition in QF&P retains a number of references taken from early Quaker writings. During this day we will look at four examples.

Full details are available at


A Regenerative Way of Seeing: re-frame your now, re-vision your future on 22 July

How are you feeling in the face of increased uncertainty and change? How does a blend of mindfulness, photography and nature connection, together with silence and stillness, help you stay well and resilient?

There is more information at

Nature-Connection Retreat to Support our Climate Witness on 16 September

Drawing on nature and focusing on mindful presence, we will re-connect our deepest motivations with our faith at the heart. This gentle retreat offers support and nourishment to anyone giving or hoping to offer service, especially climate witness.

Full details are available at

‘The Life Stirring Within’: a Quaker retreat day on 4 November

A retreat is a time for refreshment and renewal. By deliberately pulling back from our everyday busyness, we aim to connect with the source of what is most important in our lives. Here we refresh our sense of direction and renew our commitment.

There is more information at